North Suffolk Garden Club
February 13, 2017

Present: Michelle, Jennifer, Barbara, Chris, Robin, Gary, Kathleen, Shelia, Kathy, Mary Jane, Leighton and Natalia

Meeting brought to order at 10:30 by President Jennifer Lawrence

Minutes of November 2nd approved by Chris and Robin

Letter from Anne Copenhaver was discussed by Jennifer. Letter encourages President to attend annual meeting with another club member, who has never attended before. This year Jennifer and Donna Howard will attend.

Scholarship Award voted via email. Decision to support National Parks with $2,000. Thanks to Kathy and Nancy G. For getting the word out

Website Wednesday was a huge success. 10 additional members have signed onto the GCA website

Treasurer’s Report :   Savings $2450.43   Non Profit Checking Account $ 2377.43Total $4827.66

Morgan We sold securities to cover $5500.00 Zone Budget and $2000.00 will be paid back for the scholarship. Balance as of 1-31-27 $80,918.81

Nominating Committee Barbara Gray, Michelle and Jane will meet next week to suggest new officers

Martha will be submitting her resignation as vp due to work obligations

Suggestion to revise by laws / volunteer needed to revise them

Conservation Report: Jean and Kathleen are still working on the oyster display for the Zone Meeting. Andrienne Esposito will be speaking March 7 10 am at the library discussing environmental dumping and dredging of the Sound

**note Broken Arrow is scheduled for the same day with the Southside Garden Club

Jennifer and Kathleen will be attending the NAL February 26 to March 2. Looking forward to meeting Lee Zeldon..  Jeff Leventonwill be our speaker at the Zone Meeting since Ed Zero is committed elsewhere

Flower Show: Millbrook Flower Show to be heldJune 16 and 17 more info to follow

Garden History: Phone call from MJ Harris to Gary. She was very impressed with this knowledge and encourages us to document our own gardens. We are the living history – capture this moment. Hire a garden photographer, document our layout and plant material. Perhaps an oral video. Refer to the Smithsonian Siris site for inspiration. Also see the AAG ( Archives ofAmerican Gardens)  for inspiration.

Founders vote is due

Horticulture:  4 inch lavender suggested for the Zone gift plant. We will need docents at the Museum Gardens for the Zone Meeting. It was suggested that our club become involved in the blueway trails salt water marshes.

Membership: Committee is looking at the 1980 list of members to see if any inactive members would like to become active members. Several names were mentioned and the committee will reach out to them

Photography:  We need photo for Class 3A Landscape/Seascape. Please submit your work and the committee will select the best to present for the Zone Meeting.   Entry must be given to Dickie by 3/24/17.

Programs:  April we do a dry run of the Zone Meeting to work out any kinks. May is the Zone Meeting. June – year end meeting

Zone: The day has been flipped. We will begin at the Old Field Light House/Museums,/Bayard/Fire Island Then back to the hotel. Set up starts at 7am May 24. We will be wearing white shirt, navy pants and a yellow flower. Photography will be set up on the 23. We will have a total of 24 photos. We need signage of the classes. Jean will be approached to make the signs. Extra pedestals will be needed to display floral arrangements at the registration booth.  Display tags may be needed. Discussions for volunteers for the meeting will be taking place….please sign up.

Meeting adjourned at noon. Next meeting March 13 4pm at Mills Hall.

Respectfully submitted,

Michelle Gaughran, Secretary