North Suffolk Garden Club
Minutes of the Meeting
January 11, 2016
Present: Barbara, Deanna, Dale, Sharon, Shelia, Kathy, Leighton, Natalie, Joan R., Chris, Michelle, Martha, Priscilla, Jennifer, Maryjane and Kathleen
Jennifer opened the meeting at 4pm and called for a motion to approve the minutes of the December meeting. Chris made that motion, which was seconded by Barbara.
The wall garden committee met and Libby shared an idea of restoring the garden instead of redesigning the garden. Keep what we can (climbing hydrangea, replace the viburnum, spirea) with low maintenance plant material. Enrich the soil. Refer to the original plan for inspiration. The Board Members agreed with this idea.
NAL Conference to be held Feb. 22-26 in Washington – two people will attend.
Founders Fund – the nominations are in and the members need to vote by April 1.
Summer Ceres – Jennifer proposed this idea of visiting various public gardens during the summer. The idea was supported by the members. More information to follow.
Treasurer’s report – Savings Balance $6944.86 Checking Balance $466.16 totaling $ 7411.02. The UBS account has been transferred to Morgan Stanley.
Barbara reported that Ed Zero will be rescheduled for March. Stephanie Massey will be scheduled for February in the Emma Clark Library. In April Rick Darke will speak at the Nassau County Art Museum. 3 Harbor and North Country Clubs have been invited to join the lecture. Gary Lawrance will conduct a meeting April 20 at the Carriage Museum – topic Newport Gardens June 5 – 7. Barbara will consult with Robin to see about hosting a workshop for our upcoming flower show May 26.
Flower Show – Meeting on January 25, 3 pm with the Floral Design and Staging Committee to be held at Joan R. Home. The Irvington Flower Show is April 28 – 30 if you want to enter.
Maryjane reported that the soil for the wall garden will be replenished on April 11. Design to follow. Opening of the Museum Garden to be April 25.
Leighton and Sharon reported that they have a list of prospective members that they are working. Jean McCarroll told Jennifer that daughter-in-law Anne is interested in joining the Club.
The scholarship committee is in the process of submitting the forms for our candidate.
Chris reported that she and Cindy Mullen will be meeting to update the steering committee about the Zone Meeting to be held May 22 – 23, 2017.
Next Meeting February 8 at 4 pm @ Mills Hall.
Meeting adjourned 5pm by Natalie and Sharon.
Respectfully submitted,
Michelle Gaughran, Secretar