North Suffolk Garden Club
Minutes of the Board Meeting
October 26, 2015

Present : Jennifer, Martha, Priscilla, Gary, Sheila, Dale, Maryjane, Deanna, Natalia, Robin, Barbara, Kathy, Margaret, Joan, Libby, Jane & Leighton.


Jennifer opened the meeting at 3 p.m. and reported that Michelle was travelling, Judy was incapacitated with a bad knee and Kathleen was attending her Mom who was hospitalized.  She then called for a motion to approve the minutes of the September meeting.  Barbara made that motion which was seconded by Robin. Minutes were approved.

Jennifer read a lovely email from Dr. Richard Iversen thanking the Club for our generous donation of $5000 towards benches for the Farmingdale College Conservatory renovation project.  He will host a private tour of the teaching gardens for our membership the 2nd week of June.

She announced that Chris Amato will chair a future fundraising event, reminded members of the upcoming South Side Luncheon (Libby noted that you should note your seating preference along with your check) and encouraged anyone wishing to attend the NAL Conference February 22 – 25, 2016, to come forward.  Jennifer and Martha will attend if no one volunteers.  Additionally, she announced that the Shirley Meneice Conference will be held in Brooklyn next year and two members are encouraged to attend.  Jennifer reported that the Presidents’ Council meeting that she recently attended at GCA Headquarters was worthwhile and lastly, she read a note of thanks from Judy who enjoyed attending the Meneice Conference in Seattle. 

Kathy gave the Treasurers report.  Currently our balances are $6,942.36 in savings and $3,059.24 in checking for a total of $10,001.60.  Jennifer reported the current balance in the UBS Howind fund is $85,308.00.  Martha presented the Budget for 2015-2016.  Jennifer reminded us that the budget is a working document subject to amendment when needed.  Motion to accept the Treasurers Report and to approve the budget was made by Robin, seconded by Joan. At the recommendation of UBS, our position in Abbott Labs will be liquidated to cover our expenses.  This should yield approx. $14,000 - $15,000.  A motion by Libby and 2nd by Deanna approved this sale of Abbott stock.

Joan outlined the contract with Three Village Inn for the May 26, 2016, Flower Show which will require a $250 deposit.  Lunch will run $30 - $35, breakfast for judges will be extra.  Jane made the motion to approve the contract with a second by Maryjane.

Deanna reported that the Innovations Schedule for the Flower Show is nearing acceptance with an eye on the six-month ownership requirements of Hort.  The show will cover Flower Design and Hort only.

Gary gave an update on planning for the June 5th trip to Newport.  He will be making a full presentation of the itinerary on April 20th.  He is working to narrow down the gardens on the Tour and plans to be set by January. 

Leighton introduced an idea that would help to attract new members.  He feels that in order to attract potential members that may value our work in philanthropy and conservation, he would like to produce a handout that could highlight some of those endeavors, such as the upcoming Beekeeper Presentation on November 16th. 

Natalia is coordinating with Bruce Lawrence on a photography workshop. 

Barbara reminded members of the programs for November and December.  The Beekeeper Presentation will be held at 10 a.m. at the Emma Clark Library, our Holiday Luncheon will be December 9th at Bliss and December 11th is the date for our annual St. James Nursing Home community project helping residents make holiday arrangements.

Joan has a printout on dahlias she received at a workshop she recently attended available to share with interested members via email.

Jennifer will host the December 14th meeting at her home.  Details to be announced.

The Museum Garden closing will be Monday, November 2nd at 10 a.m.

 On a motion by Libby, 2nd by Priscilla the board meeting was adjourned at 4 p.m.

 At the general club meeting immediately following, Robin began her slide show and talk covering her Seattle attendance at the Meneice Conference.  She also had a printed outline of her experience and provided seeds and pamphlets to the group.  Judy’s report was read by Jennifer followed by a slide show set to music. Additional attendees were:  Marilyn, Joan B., Jean, Vivian, Fran, Joyce, Ann, Sharon and the rector of the church, The Very Rev. Canon Dr. Raewynne Whiteley.  Bruce Lawrence assisted with both Robin and Judy’s slide show.

Respectfully submitted,

Christa Amato, Acting Secretary