DECEMBER 14, 2015
Present were: Jennifer, Martha, Priscilla, Sheila, Dale, Maryjane, Natalia, Robin, Barbara, Kathy, Margaret, Joan, Libby, Jane, Michelle, Judy, Kathleen, Sharon, Marilyn, and Nancy
Jennifer opened the meeting at noon and called for a motion to approve the minutes of the October meeting. Libby made that motion, which was seconded by Natalia. She then introduced Michelle Rubinstein, who presented the proposed new website.
The new design was approved by those present. Some suggestions were made and will be formally sent to Jennifer prior to going live. Ex. RSVP, additional photos
We all enjoyed a wonderful lunch and continued to discuss the meeting’s agenda.
Jennifer reported that we all agreed to transfer the bank account to Morgan Stanley. The first year fees will be waived by the account representative. She also stated that anyone interested in attending the NAL Conference to be held February 22 – 25 needs to complete the registration form by the end of January. She also mentioned the upcoming Philadelphia Show to see if there was any interest in going together as a group.
Nancy reported on the Scholarship fund for 2016. Robin motioned to approve a $4000.00 scholarship to be given to the Medicinal Botany Studies and preferably to a recipient close to our area Natalia seconded this motion. One voted no and one abstained. The motion carried.
Kathy gave the Treasurers report. Savings Balance $6942.36 checking balance $1540.90 for a total of $8483.26. As of November 30 the balance of the UBS Howind fund is $80,924.29
Maryjane reported on the Herb Garden stating that we should remember the goal of the garden and bring it back to the approved plan. Much discussion ensued and all agreed to revisit the gardens in the spring to determine what needs to be cut back and controlled. A new plan under glass was discussed for labeling of the garden. The wall garden will be reworked and plant material will be discussed and presented for approval.
Barbara brought us up to date on the upcoming programs. Ed Zero is expected to visit us in February to report on the progress of the oyster seeding. A suggestion was made to invite South Side Garden Club to attend. A motion was made by Barbara and seconded by Priscilla to spend $500.00 and invite an Ikebana designer to demonstrate her expertise to the members. South Side will also be invited to attend. April 20 we will hear a lecture by member Gary Lawrance on the gardens of Newport. Plans for a Photo Shop workshop along with a Dahlia workshop may be added to the calendar. May 26 is our Flower Show.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:45.
Respectfully submitted,
Michelle Gaughran, Secretary