North Suffolk Garden Club

Minutes of the Board Meeting

February 17, 2016


Meeting called to order by Jennifer approximately 4:10 pm. Minutes from last meeting approved by Chris and Robin.

President’s Remarks: Howind Garden – Mike Opisso, Barbara, Jennifer and Natalie met with Museum executives and the museum accepted our donation of $25,000. Design should be ready in March. Garden is to be low maintenance. Location is in front of Museum’s gift shop and along with road. Design to connect both sides of the Museum’s Property with a footpath leading visitors to the light for crossing the road safely. Dedication slated for September.

NAL: Jennifer and Chris will be attending. Annual meeting attendees will be Jennifer and Kathy P. Zone meeting attendees will be Jennifer and Natalia. Idea of big sister/little sister for future meetings will be implemented.

Founders Fund: Jennifer read the finalist descriptions. Please cast your vote and send it to Jennifer.

Annual Meeting: Date and venue TBD. Invitation to Scholarship recipient Gabriella Pardee to speak at the meeting. 

General Club Meeting: March 21 at Mills Hall 3pm. Board will meet at 2pm. Invite prospective members to the General Meeting.

February 29: Reminder Stephanie Massey at Emma Clark Library 3pm. Invite prospective new members.

March 14: Rock garden container workshop, 4 pm Mills Hall

Treasurers Report: Savings Account   $6944.86 - $2500 fee for M. Opisso Balance = $4444.86. Checking Account balance $1990.72. Total of both accounts $6435.58

Morgan Stanley Stock Report: Balance $73,805.29

Committee Reports: Conservation: Chris and Kathleen reported that at our Zone Meeting,  we will have one combined conservation exhibit between ourselves and South Side. We will continue to build upon our oyster theme.

Flower Show: Joan R. reported that there will be a revised schedule going out to membership with minor word changes. Cost of luncheon will be $35.00. Table centerpieces will be placed on a 10x10 square platform one inch high painted gray. Photo Schedule for Zone Meeting is being worked on. Chris would like to engage the husbands as security men for the photo exhibit. “Stump the Judge” demo at Presbyterian Church led by Liz Piazza with brown bag lunch will be coming on April 25 at 10 a.m.

Garden History: June 5th, 6 and 7 in Newport is still in the planning stage. Maximum attendance is 25. 

Libby reminded the group that the GC of America has a list of private/public gardens for members to visit while traveling. Refer to their web site for the listing.

Hort: Robin said Joyce’s gardener will dig out iris after they have bloomed at the Museums. The bulbs will be replanted according to the plan. The white rose at the Museum will remain. Some TLC is needed.

Summer Ceres: Gardens are being selected for consideration.

Membership: Sharon read letters of recommendation for our newest proposed member Anna McCarroll. Motion to approve her provisional membership was made by Robin and seconded by Joan R. All voted in favor.

Programs: Several programs are slated for our club and a separate email will be sent out from Jennifer detailing them along with dates, venue and time.

Scholarship: Jennifer reported for Nancy that we have 2 scholarship recipients who will receive $2000.00 each toward the Summer Medicinal Botany Program. These scholarships will be given in memory of Betty and William Howind.

Meeting was adjourned approximately 5:40 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Michelle Gaughran, Secretary