North Suffolk Garden Club

Minutes of the March 21, 2016 Board Meeting

Present: Jennifer, Chris, Robin, Judy, Kathleen, Kathy, Dale, Barbara, Joan R., Deanna, Libby, Leighton, Jane, Sharon, Gary, Michelle, Maryjane

Treasurer’s Report: Savings $4,444.86 Checking $3,999.88 Total $ 8,444.74. Morgan Stanley as of 23/29/16 $75,299.36 reflects W/D of $4000.00 for scholarships

Jennifer opened the meeting at 2:10 PM. Corrections to the minutes. Flower Show Schedule – Photo Schedule worked on, Table centerpieces 10x10 platform motions to accept minutes. Exhibition of one stem only for the flower show. Robin in favor. Joan will check with Deanna. Keep at no more than 12 classes for hort.

Gary reported on the upcoming June 5 Newport Visiting Gardens Tour. Photos presented. Jennifer H. gave a list of available hotel accommodations. Please sign up asap.

Robin reported that Marilyn/Joyce can enter their orchid on behalf of our club for the Syracuse zone meeting, depending which one is in bloom.

Libby reported that she was approached by GCA that volunteers were needed for the Shirley Meneice Conference Sept. 19 – 21 to be held in Brooklyn. She feels our club should be visible. Volunteers needed for transportation, tours, hotels, registration etc. The $500 fee will be waived for those willing to help.

Robin reported on the Museum Gardens, which will open on April 29 with rain date of 5/2. Discussion and decision regarding the center shrub will be addressed.  Maintenance schedule was passed around for signatures.

Sharon reported that Anna McCarroll is delighted to accept provisional membership status. Keep the membership drive going.

Jane suggested that we participate in Class 2 and 3 of the upcoming Zone III Photo Exhibit. Spring Theme photos are needed for the E-News. An idea was generated from the Stephany Massey lecture and a photo page will be added to the public area on our website. Please submit garden photos for consideration (no people or pets will be accepted). Winning photos from flower shows will also be uploaded. This new section will be entitled “Photo Potpourri”.

Barbara said the pedestals should be ready for their painting party. The painting committee will be completing this task before our upcoming show.

Scholarship money has been sent away for the Medicinal Botany Category in honor of the Howinds. We should know the recipient’s name by early June.

Next board meeting will be held May 16 as we have a very busy April.

Chris reported on how impressed she was to have met Congressmen Zelden at the last NAL Conference. She encourages the membership to attend these conferences if possible.

Meeting adjourned 2:45 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

 Michelle Gaughran, Secretary