The North Suffolk Garden Club
April 24, 2017
Mills Hall, 4pm.
Present:Jennifer, Michelle, Kathy, Jane, Joan, Libby, Shelia, Sharon, Chris, Maryjane, Barbara, Leighton, Pricilla, Margaret, Deanna
Meeting called to order by Jennifer. Minutes of March meeting approved by Jane and Maryjane
Jennifer Huntley will be our zone delegate
Meneice : GCA recommends that there should be 2 people from the club to attend this conference. Libby and Barbara will be going to the Nebraska Conference
Annual Meeting – May 4-7 in Baltimore. Donna Howard and Jennifer Lawrence will be attending. Donna received a letter from the co-chairs welcoming her attendance and listing some expectations
Herb Garden- Big transformation -- we planted 57 new plants. Discussion to get rid of dogwood, install a planter and add some color. Several plants mentioned. A trellis may be a nice idea. Jennifer presented ideas. We will plant again on May 8 at 1PM
Howind Garden- Dedication to be held June 29 at 5:30. Plaque will be presented and donated by us in memory of the Howinds
Treasury Report : Savings $2,451.65Non Profit / Checking $7,638.62Total $10, 090.27. Morgan Balance A/O 2/28/17 $74,041.87
Zone: Rehearsal on Friday to be led by Chris
Conservation – Display and Program coming along
Photo Show – All in order. Priscilla will provide the judges with transportation. GCA President Anne Copenhaver will not be able to attend the Zone Meeting but GCA President-elect Dede Petri will take her place.
Garden History- Gary is considering a trip to Delaware to visit gardens
GCA – Libby announced new zone reps. Chris is our Zone Rep. for the Bulletin.
Horticulture – Maryjane needs help in the gardens with preening and mulching
Plant Exchange – We need 6 entries – they should be drought tolerant.
Membership – Marianne Hendrix – provisional membership recommended by Betsy, Natalia and ChrisMotion to accept by Margaret and Libby. Provisional membership is 1 year. Donna, Anna and Maureen accepted into full membership. Sharon will write them a letter changing their status
Photos - Zone committee is responsible for putting photos on E news deadline is May 1.
Programs – Barbara said our last meeting will be June 14 at noon at Mills Hall. Vote for new slate of officers. Committee reports will be presented by Jennifer. Officers should be approved prior to meeting. All members are encouraged to attend.
Next Board meeting 6/7 at 4pm Mills Hall.
Meeting adjourned at 5:30
Respectfully submitted,
Michelle Gaughran, Secretary