North Suffolk Garden Club


General Club Meeting

Sept. 14, 2016

Present: Cindy D, Barbara, Mary Jane, Margaret, Michelle, Jennifer, Chris, Donna, Judy, Jean, Dale, Joan R., Maureen, Ann, Hiroe, Leighton, Robin, Natalie, Deanna, Nancy, and Susan

Meeting called to order by Jennifer around noon. Field Trip photos to Farmingdale, and the Hamptons Bridge Gardens can be viewed on the web site. Interesting note: Oyster shells used as ground cover in herb garden.

We received $40,000 from the Howind distribution in July.

LIM Howind Memorial Garden will be installed in October.

Chris updated us on the Zone 111 meeting to be held in May 2017. Anne Copenhaver. President of GCA, sent a note saying she would be attending. Invitations to 23 clubs and additional guests will be mailed. Hyatt Regency in Hauppauge has been booked along with conference rooms. We will be wearing uniforms that go along with our theme “Shore to Shore”. Tote bags are being made along with note cards and favors. Our budget for this event is approximately $34M. There will be registration, business meetings, photography exhibit, a casual bbq dinner, a formal award dinner, free floral demonstration along with bus trips to the South and North Shore concentrating on attractions selected for each location.

Nancy updated us on the Scholarship Committee – Natalia suggested that we may consider a donation to the National Parks in lieu of a scholarship donation. Final decision tbd

Robin suggested we have a workshop on weeds and plant exchange. She will have cuttings for exchange on October 5 at Mills Hall.

Susan will be replacing Joan Bloom on the staging committee.

Joan R. stated that we will be donating 7 arrangements to the November 5th Museum fundraiser. Those interested in participating – please contact Joan. All NSGC Members are invited to attend the cocktail party on the 3rd. She and Deanna will be attending the FASG Workshop in New Orleans. On November 14, they will convey their trip highlights at Mills Hall. Time tbd. Please bring a box lunch.

Barbara stated we will be making holiday centerpieces at the St. James Nursing Home on Dec 9, 2pm.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Michelle Gaughran