North Suffolk Garden Club

Board Minutes

Sept. 28, 2016

Present: Jennifer, Michelle, Kathy P., Joan R., Libby, Sheila, Dale, Robin, Maryjane, Sharon, Leighton, Jane, Barbara, Priscilla, and Chris

Meeting called to order in Mills Hall at 4 pm by President Jennifer Lawrence. Minutes from May Board and September Club meetings were accepted and approved.

Treasury Report – Savings Account $2447.98, Non-Profit Checking Account $4,828.13 Howind Balance as of August 31st $79,492.85.

Membership Report – Robin and Chris proposed Meredith Henderson as a provisional member. All were in favor. Suggestion made that a Membership Package be compiled and available at upcoming events.

Scholarship – We would like to receive an acknowledgement from the scholarship recipients – Nancy will be checking into this. Some discussion as to whether we want to continue with scholarship funding or perhaps give a donation to a local park.

Ikebana Program – All plans have been made for this demonstration to be held at the OFC on October 19th. Many thanks to Natalia, Chris, and Michelle as well as those who have made donations for the Chinese Auction.

Committee Reports – The New Orleans Meeting to be attended by Joan R. and hopefully Deanna.  Arrangements for the Museum Gala on November 5 have been secured. Reminder that all members are invited to the cocktail party on the 3rd. A list of National Gardens will be added to our web site. There will be more information regarding the Meneice Conference after GCA finishes up with their business week. October 5 we will be having a plant exchange at 10am at the Mills House with focus on draught tolerant shrubs. Please bring a canned good for the food pantry. Robin shared photos of Martha Stewart’s Garden and noted that she covers her boxwood with burlap during the winter. Suggestion that we visit the Untermeyer Gardens along with the Wave Hill Garden in the spring.  Jane reported that the schedule for Photography is still being reviewed. Programs for the fall have been set. We will not be having activities in January. February we hope to be meeting with Stephanie Massey. March we hope to secure the Citizens Campaign, April we will have a weeds workshop. May we will be hosting the Zone Show.

Meeting adjourned at 5:15

Respectfully submitted,

Michelle Gaughran