North Suffolk Garden Club  
Date:  9/18/17

Mill Halls : 4PM

Present:  Jennifer, Christa , Michelle, Kathy, Judy, Deanna, Kathleen, Natalia, Robin, Barbara, Maryjane, Sharon, Leighton, Jane, and Libby

Meeting called to order by Jennifer

Remarks: Oct. 17 And 18 Autumnal Meeting. Invitations to the club and committee chairs to be held at GCA Headquarters

GCA Second Century Campaign: looking to raise 8 million for the endowment fund.   Information to be found on the GCA website

Cindy’s award was acknowledged with a letter of thanks

Volunteers needed in the herb garden for the remaining 6 weeks

Membership:  6 new provisional members have been proposed. Genevieve Carter, Fairlie  Coxe, Patty Fish, Paige Lawrence, Delia Neitzel and Maureen Potter

Flower Show: Natalia reported that  Workshops  will be planned, GCA Show to be held in 2019, Bench Show to involve provisional members, LIM  Gala arrangements will be done by the members and ready for the Nov. 4th event,  St. James Nursing Home date. Dec. 8

Horticulture:  Barbara asked that seeds are needed for the Meneice Meeting, October 10 Landcraft  $10 pp, Nursing Home date to be December 8

Treasury Report: Saving $2,452.87, Checking $1,929.79, Morgan around $80,000 a/o Aug 31

Conservation: Kathleen has a program on organic gardens to be held on 3/14 at the Emma Clark Library, NAL Conference registration in November she and Jean will be attending

Visiting Garden: June 5, 6 and 7 we will visit Winterthur Garden. Looking to go to Raynham Hall Museum in Oyster Bay, Sagamore Hill has been refurbished and we would like to schedule a visit in the fall

Plant Exchange: Libby reported the blueberry seeds were not too successful. Upcoming workshop on hardwood cutting . She is working with Hops Plants and is trying to establish plants in doors. Thinking of possible “Beer Theme” plant exchange. Mention of a trellis to manage the growing plants.

Photography: Michael Fairchild will give a program on 2/6

Next Meeting Oct 30, 4pm, Mills Hall

Respectfully submitted, Michelle Gaughran Secretary