The Fab Four Garden Tour, 2013
In 2013 the NSGC hosted its first Garden Tour. The original inspiration grew from a seed of an idea to have a “small” tour. That seed having germinated, like an oak seed, led us to a fundraiser that sparked participation on all levels of volunteerism, community, financial sponsors, tour guides, and food preparation done by members.
Two of our talented members, one a professional artist and the other a classical musician, arranged for each magnificent garden to have its own on-site, plein-air artist and background music. There is nothing like Vivaldi being played in a garden setting. Each garden had its own personality, all within the scenic Nissequogue and Head of Harbor settings.
The day ended with a sunset garden party overlooking the Nissequogue estuaries at the lovely home of the organizer of this prestigious event.
Highlights of the Garden Tour
Each of our visitors was greeted by a NSGC member and presented with a red carpet swag bag.
The Moore Rose Garden
The rose garden, located on a large estate overlooking the Nissequogue River, was classically situated with a tall privet hedge surrounding the garden anchored by an interesting sculpture in the center. Visitors were able to meander on the grounds while Stephanie Salvatore played harp and artist Kelynn Alder painted. NSGC members Libby Smith, Cindy Donahue, Joan Rockwell-Gifford and Dale Refvik were the docents.
The Bollhofer Perennial Garden
The homeowners created a unique solution to a very steep slope at the rear of their property by tiering the land, creating a rock waterfall and small pond, then planting it with a beautiful array of perennials. Visitors were able to walk the pathway to the top of the slope overlooking the whole backyard. Docents Robin Dahlgard and Martha Stansbury gave an outstanding tour. Georgia Schmitt played the oboe accompanied by a classical guitarist while artist Mary Jane van Ziejst worked in pastels.
The Louro Backyard Retreat
This fun-filled backyard is every home entertainer's dream. With a large swimming pool, extensive patio areas, a water feature with koi fish and water plants, large outdoor TV poolside overlooking the Long Island Sound - it is truly a backyard retreat. Vivian Mirza, Jean McCarroll, Ann Strong and Betsy Palmedo were docents of this tour. Mary Latini played keyboard while artist Doug Reiner painted.
The Rooney Pondscape
The large pond filled with koi has a most interesting backdrop of bamboo and a weeping willow that drapes into the pond. This property has multiple focal points with a rose garden, a rock garden with a babbling brook running through it, a charming playhouse, and outdoor entertaining area. Deanna Muro played the keyboard and Marilyn Light, Judy Schmitt, Natalia Lamb and Michelle Gaughran were docents. Artist Nancy Bueti-Randall produced several paintings.
Cocktail Party and Art Gallery
The sunset cocktail party was held at a member's home and it was the perfect ending to a highly successful tour. Trolleys dropped off guests, who enjoyed food and drinks. An art gallery of all the participating artists works was displayed while a keyboardist and saxophone player provided the evening's music. Professional photographer Daphne Youree covered the entire event.
Use the arrows to view the gallery.